What is your problem? Even if you don't believe in Christ how can you post this vulgar trash about a man who enlightened the world and died (in the story) for our sins?
If you had the BALLS to say this to my face I would kick your weasely butt. Only cowardly, blaspemous jerks post crap like this!
Rex B13
JoinedPosts by Rex B13
Jesus Christ, King of the Pedophiles
by messenger indue to the proliferation of newbies wishing to call us home to christ or whatever other movement they deem appropiate it might be good to review the following to balance the extreme perspecitves a bit... .
jesus christ, king of the pedophiles.
jesus christ (wld) .
Rex B13
Is anyone near me?
by Sky ini was wondering if anyone on this forum is near cincinnati?.
thats where i be, and i be lonely!.
peace to all!.
Rex B13
Near Steubenville. We should have an OHIO meeting of ex-loyal 'dubs.
Rex -
Christian Myths and Thoughts
by Jackyboy ini need to clear somethings up... thanks!.
1. when i visited some big churches in europe, ie, notradamn (sp?).
i saw the church being covered with gargoyals, why is this?.
Rex B13
>1. When I visited some big churches in Europe, ie, Notradamn (sp?). I saw the church being covered with gargoyals, why is this?
They liked creepy looking winged bipeds?
2. Does God sing?
Have you heard the wind through the trees or the gentle lap of waves against a sandy beach?
3. Why did God create the universe when God has no needs?
4. How come it took God so long to decide to create Earth?
Time did not exist before creation. "How long" is not even a question.
5. I heard something about a guy giving birth to three sons, and one of those sons committed a sin, and he became black, the other son committed another lesser sin and became asian.
Where did you hear that?
6. Many Civilizations such as Japan, China and mostly Asian countries has never heard about God even though their civilization spans to 2000BC, why is this?
Oh really? You better brush up on history and quit spending so much time at amateurish atheist sites.
7. How can an Angle who is supposed to be pure of goodness turn against God and become evil?
Free will?
8. How does God know what everything tastes like, ie. like Chicken tastes like chicken, and pork tastes like pork?... hmmm... I'm not sure what I'm trying to say...
That's obvious.....
9. I heard a JW should not bow down to any symbol or picture of God or Jesus (From Watchtower Book). But why do people in churches always bow down to the big giant cross in the end of the church?
That's utterly stupid. LOL, You have never been in a church, have you?
10. What's the pope's relation to Jehovah?
The pope is a sinner and God is almighty.
11. Yahweh sounds cool, can I use Yahweh instead?
"I am" is more accurate or "Iyeh Asher Iyeh"
12. Why does God have a grudge against homosexuals?
The male's penis made to insert in the female's vagina, not another male's anus.
13. Many people believe that playing God is strictly prohibited (ie. cloning humans), but God is supposed to know all, and he is supposed to know that we would eventually discover cloning, wouldn't that mean he approves of this?
God is sovereign, He controls all through intent or permission.
14. God says he knows everybody, and he knows if a person is going to follow God or not, so God can forgive that person. But if God knows the future, wouldn't there a destiny for us? that we cannot choose our own lives?
Both predestination and free will are biblical, how much of each is up to debate.
15. God says he can see everybody at once, but considering that earth is 3D, how does he see everyone when it's only possible to see one side of earth at a time?
God exists outside of time, therefore He is entirely unrestricted by any natural force that He has created.
Thanks for your time.
CheersYakki da,
Rex -
Does God Hold You Responsible?
by Undecided ini was thinking about the responsibility that christianity puts on believers to convert others.
does god hold his worshipers responsibile to get other worshipers, especially when this brings persecution and death in many instances?
doesn't god consider his worshipers worth a little help in this world?
Rex B13
You're mixing up Dub Heresy with Real Christianity. God will have mercy on whom He has mercy. If one preaches or witnesses it is because the person wants others to experience what he/she already has. Whoever doesn't find salvation before they die is ultimately a thing that is under God's control. There are two paths for immortal mankind, heaven or hell.
Rex -
Another Ohio City Moves To Regulate Solicitors/JWs
by MadApostate inmarion law lets residents keep solicitors off doorsteps.
thursday, october 25, 2001. mary beth lane.
dispatch staff reporter.
Rex B13
They allow 16 and under? I wonder if Stratton's law has this provision?
How much you want to bet that this results in JW kids doing the door-to-door while mom/dad sits in the car drinking coffee?
Rex -
Prayers welcome but not neccessary
by sweetone2377 intoday i am leaving for ky, where my jw mother and step father reside.
sometime during this hectic week, we are having a little meeting of our own with them.
you see, my mother has repeatedly disregarded my wishes and have snuck my children to meetings (ages 2, & 3), taken them out in service, put them in direct contact with a paticular elder that we expressed several times that the kids were to be no where around, etc etc.
Rex B13
>Your mother can simply do this, if she is aggresive: "Satan has fooled your mommy and daddy. Satan does not want you to have eternal life. The Bible here in Timothy shows we will be persecuted for learning about Jehovah. So let's go to the meetings and field service, but don't tell mommy, OK? We should please Jehovah, not men."
You get the drift.That was my grandmother to all of us children, my family and my cousins. Only those in my family are the ones who fell for this completely. Oddly enough, my cousins are all as dysfunctional as we are and I blame that on theinfluence of Watchtowerism. They are so ingrained with this that very few of them can attend any church without supreme guilt trips.
Regardless of whether or not one believes in God, to be prevented from even examining alternatives is tragic. They are lost and drifting through life, they cannot be openly agnostic nor openly believing.
I thank God that we raised our sons with a secular view, open to ideas Catholic and Protestant and to science as well.
Rex -
JWs, Christmas and "pagan origin"
by teejay infor those of you that don't know, i was raised a witness from the time i was five.
i remember celebrating one christmas.
my mother was studying then and didn't want to support my dad, but she gave in one last time.
Rex B13
Hi Cygnus,
Being a loyal JW is still in your focus, isn't it?>Wedding rings certainly _are_ different. A couple will consider their marriage sacred, and symbolize their union with rings, but how does that compromise their religious fundamentals at all? It doesn't. However, faking generosity and complying with the LIE that Jesus was born on Dec 25, indeed making it some event that primitive Christians never gave such importance, well, I can certainly understand why some people who want to serve Jehovah "in spirit and in truth" would reject such holy-days as a detriment to their exercising faith by means of accurate knowledge.
You have evidently NOT studied beyond JW publications about the early observance of the birth of Christ, have you? You will probably also disagree with the fact that Christ was worshipped from the very beginning of this sect of Judaism.
NO ONE contends that Christ was born on Dec. 25. It is a day set aside to honor Christ and how it came about is not even an issue, except in your Watchtower addled brain.
Accurate knowledge and Watchtowerism do not often coincide. LOL
Rex -
JWs, Christmas and "pagan origin"
by teejay infor those of you that don't know, i was raised a witness from the time i was five.
i remember celebrating one christmas.
my mother was studying then and didn't want to support my dad, but she gave in one last time.
Rex B13
The comment:
>It basically says that a JW wife can, without risking being referred to as a "dog returning to its vomit", make "holiday" purchases (gifts, wrapping, cards, etc), prepare "holiday" meals, participate in "holiday" socializing and the like at her non-JW husband's request. She must only avoid what would be considered an act of worship.
Try and find what would be considered an act of worship in the context of exchanging gifts, or gathering with loved ones, or listening to beautiful music, or even looking at and participating in the ornamenting of a tree in one's home. The article specifically states that the individual can decide for themselves what they do and do not consider to constitute an act of worship or an activity of religious significance.
It appears that the WTS is preparing itself for a come-back to the observance of Christmas and other holidays, or at least making a move to leave the matter to the individual's conscience.As usual, the apostate group of gremlins from Brooklyn take the reason for the observance (Christ's birth brought salvation to the world and peace to those who accept Him) totally out of the picture. This is another proof that they preach a false gospel.
Rex -
The WT fake chimp (for those who missed it)
by Mr Ben inafter a discussion in the live chatroom i realised some did not know of the watchtowers fake chimp.
i first saw it as a link on janhs old site, but i can no longer find the url for the original, which i believe was from the norwegian agnostic society, or something like that.
the next time a dub calls on you ask them why they are forced to believe that chimpanzees do not have canine teeth.
Rex B13
That's nothing. Did you see the 'ape-man' skull that science accepted for forty years then it was exposed as a fake (Piltdown Man)? Then there's the pig's tooth that formed the whole basis of the evolution argument in the Scopes, "monkey trial". They portrayed it in artwork as a verifiable missing link. LOL
The doctrine of evolution in the atheist religion is 'holy' indeed!
Rex -
It takes a real Witness to bitch slap AlanF....
by SixofNine in...into submission.. here's one now, posting in the psuedoscience forum on wol:.
i thought i would post a review of a certain book i know of called "solving the mystery of the biblical flood" which is just now available from some of the on line book sellers.
it is basically a geology book that proves the earth has had a recent earth wide flood as described in the bible.
Rex B13
Actually Alan, you are as much a 'crackpot' as any of those you accuse. In the usual mode of intellectual INTOLERANCE, you seek to insinuate that only your world view is valid. Liberal elitists constantly use this tactic in every arena, be it academic, religious or political.
You have based your belief system on the shaky foundations of theories unprovable but imminently popular with those of your ilk: the anti-God agnostics and atheists.>Plenty of "geology" books have been written over the years purporting to prove the reality of The Flood. Every one has turned out to the work of a crackpot. I have about a dozen of these in my library. Thanks for the tip, Six. I'll add this to my collection.
"Look at me! My name is Alan F. and I have disproven all of the Bible to myself and others. I am superior to all who disagree with my opinion". That's how I see you.